12 Tips For Good Sleep – Best Ways To Improve Sleep

  • Post category:Health

Having dark patches around the eyes is the norm of our technological times. We lose our precious sleep daily due to our fast lifestyle, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and unhealthy attachment to our mobile phones. 

tips for good sleep

All these factors have contributed to our sleep reduction and, in some cases, insomnia and chronic sleep deprivation, but don’t worry yourself even more. Here are a few tips for good sleep. Follow these tips and have a good night’s rest. 

Why Getting Good Sleep Is Important?

To understand why obtaining a good night’s sleep is crucial, you must first grasp what will happen if you don’t. To begin with, you will feel weak and gain weight, your immune system will weaken, making you vulnerable to dangerous diseases, and so on. 

Sleep is critical for overall wellness. It allows for bodily restoration, hormone regulation, and cognitive function, assisting memory, learning, and emotional equilibrium, but prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to mood disorders and cognitive damage. Furthermore, quality sleep is essential for our physical vitality and mental wellness. 

Technology And Sleeping Problems

Too much of anything can create trouble for you in the long run. Mobile apps are designed to keep your focus on their platform, which can disrupt your sleep cycle and lower overall sleep quality. Technology affects the brain, exciting it and making it challenging to fall asleep. Excessive internet use is thought to induce physical sleep deprivation. Long internet use periods reduce sleep time, daytime weariness, sleepiness, and arousal issues in adolescents.

Top 12 Tips For Better Sleep

Better sleep is essential for your general health and well-being, especially for young adults in their twenties and thirties. People over 50 usually do not require 8 hours of sleep, so don’t worry if you’re over 50. Here are 12 expert advice tips to help you enhance your sleep quality:

Top 12 Tips For Better Sleep

1. A Good Mattress Is Great Ways To Get Better Sleep

Having the best mattress is the most essential thing to have a comfortable sleep. Choose the right mattress best suited to your needs and preferences. Purchasing a comfy mattress and pillow helps to ensure that your spine receives enough support, preventing aches and pains. Your sheets and blankets are essential in making your bed feel comfortable. Look for bedding that is smooth to the touch and will help you sleep at a suitable temperature.

2. Lock Light And Reduce Noise For A Peaceful Sleep Night

Light can be blocked by draping blackout drapes over your windows or wearing a sleep mask over your eyes. Avoiding bright light can assist you in the transition to nighttime and contribute to your body’s synthesis of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone. You should also limit the noise to as minimum as possible.

3. Get At Least Seven Hours Of Healthy Sleep

If you want to ensure you get the required amount of sleep each night, you must arrange that time. Working backwards from your predetermined wake-up time, determine a target bedtime that provides for at least seven hours of sleep. Allow yourself extra time before bedtime to prepare for sleep whenever feasible.

4. Set A Consistent Alarm Time To Improve Sleeping Habits

Setting an alarm for the same time every day is the most underappreciated yet most effective sleep tip. If you frequently wake up at different times, your body can’t become accustomed to a healthy sleep habit. Set a wake-up time and stick to it, even on weekends and other days when you might be tempted to sleep in.

5. Keep Naps Around 20 Minutes To Improve Quality Of Sleep

Naps should be avoided if you want to sleep well at night. If you nap too long or too late in the day, it might disrupt your sleep rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep when needed. The greatest time to nap is just after lunch in the early afternoon, and the ideal nap length is approximately 20 minutes.

6. Relax For 30 Minutes Before Bedtime To Fall Asleep Naturally

When you are relaxed, it is much easier to fall asleep. Quiet reading, low-impact stretching, soothing music, and relaxation techniques are all strategies to prepare for sleep. Instead of trying to sleep, concentrate on relaxing. Relaxation strategies to help you sleep include controlled breathing, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

7. Disconnect Electronic Devices An Hour Before Bed For Sound Sleep

Technology has improved our lives and has made them more entertaining, but the blue light from electronic devices can make you sleepless. Tablets, mobile phones, and laptops can keep your head wired, making it challenging to unwind completely. These technological devices’ light may interfere with your natural melatonin production. As much as possible, try to unplug for an hour or more before going to bed.

8. Spend 30 Minutes In Natural Light For A Good Night Sleep

We all have a biological clock in us that makes us sleep soundly. Light exposure regulates the body’s circadian clock. Sunlight has a powerful influence, so try to get some by going outside or opening windows or blinds to let in some natural light. Getting natural sunlight in the morning can help restore your circadian cycle. If natural light is not an option, you can discuss using a light treatment box with your doctor.

9. Exercise For At Least 20 Minutes Daily For Good Sleep

Daily exercise has numerous health advantages, and the changes it causes in energy usage and body temperature can support sound sleep. Most experts recommend avoiding strenuous exercise close to bedtime since it may impair your body’s ability to relax before sleep.

10. Limit Caffeine After 2 Pm To Promote Sleep

Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and sodas are among the most popular drinks worldwide. Some people are tempted to utilize caffeine’s energy shock to overcome daytime tiredness, but this technique is not sustainable and can lead to long-term sleep deprivation. To avoid this, limit your caffeine intake and avoid it later in the day, which can interfere with falling asleep.

11. Be Mindful Of Alcohol Before Bedtime For Good Sleep Hygiene

Since alcohol might cause drowsiness, some people prefer a nightcap before bed. Unfortunately, alcohol affects the brain in ways that can reduce sleep quality, so it is best to avoid alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime. When your body is still digesting a large meal, it can be challenging to fall asleep. Avoid late dinners and limit highly fatty or spicy foods to minimize food-related sleep interruptions. If you need a snack in the evening, choose something light.

12. Get Up If You Can’t Sleep After 20 Minutes For Sleep Wellness

You want to prevent creating a mental link between your bed and your frustration from being unable to sleep. If you’ve been in bed for roughly 20 minutes and haven’t fallen asleep, it’s time to get out of bed and do something calming in low light. When you feel fatigued, avoid checking the time or using technology and go to bed.

Extra Point: If nothing works, the only option is to see a doctor. If you are having trouble sleeping, your doctor is the ideal person to provide precise and individualized advice. Consult your doctor if your sleep problems are worsening, persisting over time, harming your health and safety, or occurring alongside other unexplained health issues. They can offer extra advice as well as treat any underlying issues.


We hope you liked the tips for good sleep mentioned in this blog, but only reading them will not be enough, so practice them and have a soundless night’s sleep. So goodnight and sleep tight. See more health-related blogs on fitternify.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What Is The 10 3 2 1 0 Rule For Sleep?

Ans: No caffeine 10 hours before bedtime. No more food or alcohol 3 hours before bed. No more work 2 hours before bed. No more screen time one hour before bed (turn off all phones, TVs, and computers).

Q2: Why Can I Not Sleep At Night?

Ans: Stress is a common cause of chronic insomnia. Work, school, health, finances, or family concerns might keep your thoughts active at night, making sleeping difficult. You should consult with a doctor for further specialized treatment. 

Q3: What Is The Healthiest Way To Sleep?

Ans: Side sleeping can improve spinal alignment, minimize snoring and sleep apnea, and alleviate GERD or heartburn symptoms. Back sleeping helps reduce hip and back discomfort, whereas stomach sleeping does little more than lessen snoring.

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